Made in Singapore

Exiga Retail POS System is the leading provider for hospitality systems in Singapore. Exiga Retail POS System is constantly being improved with more capabilities and features, in order to continue to be the market leader; we continuously invest into research & development. Portable Guard Tour System | Face Detection | Guard Tour Systems in Singapore | Benefits of GPS based mobile attendance system | GPS Tracker Singapore | time attendance software
Getting a Exiga Retail POS (point-of-sale) system helps you deliver the end-to-end experience customers expect. Employee Attendance Mobile App with Location Tracking | GPS Tracking Device Singapore | time attendance app free
Exiga Retail POS system helps you achieve a single, 360-degree view of your customer, inventory, transactions and data, giving your retail business the prerequisite to thrive and make strategic decisions that maximize their growth. Guard Monitoring | The Face Recognition Company | Remote Visual Security Guard | GPS Attendance Module | Fleet Management System | time attendance management system
Most technology solutions can either provide communication for transactions between you and your wholesaler OR you and your customer BUT Exiga Software has created the end-to-end order and inventory management solution. Guard Tour System for Property Operations | Facial Recognition Software | Guard Tour System | How GPS Tracking Helps Manage Employee Attendance | Free Mobile Trackers App | time attendance app
Our middleware software solution takes your supply chain technology from "ok" to "fantastic".
Exiga Software Retail is a leading information technology and business service provider in the Asia Pacific region, with focus on consumer businesses: Retail Management Solutions, retail management system pos, F&B, Consumer Services like Spa and Salons and Consumer Packaged Goods. Our solutions power over 3,000 store fronts and power over US$ 1 billion of commerce across physical stores and online e-commerce stores. Electronic Guard Tour System | Face Facial Recognition Solution | Security Guard Management System | Real-Time Online Attendance System Based on Fingerprint | Real-Time GPS Tracker for Safety | biometric attendance app
Easy and fast in printing barcode for every item and quickly scan in your customers order using barcode scanner. Guard Tour System Archives | Live Facial Recognition
Have full control and visibility of your entire inventory and its movement history. Guard tour patrol system | Face Biometric Authentication
The variance stock are summarised in the report to reflect any potential inventory control problems. Basic Guard Tour System | Biometric Face Authentication
Reports are emailed timely to stakeholders for instant performance review. Get ready-to-use reports anywhere anytime. Virtual Car Guard | Attendance Monitoring System of Students
Render movement history of inventory items at a glance. Security Guard Monitoring | GPS enabled employee registration and attendance
Organise and keep track every customer’s particulars and purchase history. Real-Time Online Guard Patrol | GPS based Attendance Management System with RFID
Intelligence reports will help you to improve your business and profit margin all in real-time. Car GPS Tracking Devices | employee attendance app
Ready to scale up when you expand. Exiga POS is designed to manage your multiple locations with ease. Singapore GPS Tracker Device | time clock app
Manual data entry will be a thing of the past. Boost your productivity and eliminate human error with our latest integration with Accounting Software. GPS vehicle tracking | fingerprint attendance app
Exiga Retail POS brings your storefront and back office all in one place, so you can keep your operations simple and streamlined. Guard Tour Mobile App | Employee Attendance Mobile App with Location Tracking
Customers can order directly while looking at a digital menu on a tablet. Real Time Guard Tour Patrol System with GPS | Face Surveillance and Biometrics
Customers can scan QR codes to view digital menus on their mobile devices and make orders. Vehicle GPS Tracking System in Singapore | Attendance App for Employees
Once customers place orders online, the order is transferred to stores automatically. Security guard management system | GPS time attendance Reader-Biometric attendance device
Once staff takes orders, the orders are automatically sent to the POS and kitchen. Real Time Guard Tour System | Best Face Recognition Access Control Systems
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